Roofing Contractors' Recommendations for Choosing Roofing Materials
Admin Admin December 15, 2022

Your estimate should include choices for roofing materials. Roofers in League City say it's worth taking the time to compare the costs and benefits.

roofers in league city

1. Materials for the Roof

The roofing material is the outermost layer of the roof. Most homes have shingles since they're the least expensive and work well in any climate. However, it is essential to be aware of the other choices available, and even shingles provide a selection of alternatives.

2. Underlayment

Even once the roof has been finished, the underlayment will never be seen again, and it is essential to protect your home by selecting high-quality materials. This is not the place to save money by cutting corners.

Your underlayment options include:

a. Felt 

Felt has been used for years and is the least costly alternative. It's water-resistant, yet not waterproof. Felt can be found in a variety of weights. 15-lb felt is not recommended; it tears too easily. A choice that is thicker and more long-lasting is felt, weighing 30 pounds.

b. Synthetic

Felt is being replaced with synthetic as the material of choice for roofing underlayment. It's stronger, easier to install, and repels water. It is, of course, more expensive.

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c. Peel' n stick 

Peel' n stick is a newer, premium (read: expensive) product that provides excellent protection. However, you can't use peel 'n stick if your attic has spray foam or closed-cell insulation. It will void your warranty. Because the seal won't provide enough room for vapors to escape, your roof may develop bubbles.

Speak to your roofer about the finest underlayment solution for your property and environment.

3. Additional Safeguard Materials

Other materials give an additional layer of protection to the weak spots on your roof, including:

a. Plastic water shield

This may be added between the underlayment and shingles as an additional layer of water protection in your roof's valleys.

b. Pipe boots

Pipes are the most likely place for a roof to develop a leak. The pipe boots prevent those leaks and are worth upgrading to hard plastic. Rubber pipe boots deteriorate after ten years.

>>Related post: What Is A Roofer, And What Do They Do?

c. Metal flashing

The joints between the various surfaces of your roof are another potential entry point for water. Chimneys, skylights, walls, and any other place on your roof where it goes from a higher point to a lower point are all examples of such places. Flashing is a skinny strip of metal cemented to deflect water away from junctions.

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